Manifold Geometry // Многообразная Геометрия

Analysis Situs 0.3.2 is out

/ Просмотров: 1819

Here is the changelog:

  1. STEP reader now imports colored faces.
  2. Add a set of handy Tcl commands.
  3. Add more functionality to the experimental reverse engineering workbench.
  4. Improvements in face finder UI.
  5. Add visualization of execution graphs (tree functions of Active Data).
  6. Add deviation checker for points vs mesh/brep.
  7. Allow PNG dumps as vtkImageData from presentation managers.
  8. Enable user-defined part transformation (translation, rotation) from parameter editor.
  9. Bugfix.

Download Analysis Situs 0.3.2 on its project page.

You're welcome to share your ideas on the demanded new features. And your feedback on using the software is welcome as usual.

Analysis Situs is a non-commercial FOSS-project driven by scientific research of its authors in Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod. Analysis Situs is a CAD inspection utility that also serves as a prototyping framework for geometric modeling algorithms. You can download the latest version here. The comprehensive project documentation is available at