Manifold Geometry // Многообразная Геометрия

Origami fun frames

/ Просмотров: 190

This blog is a non-mandatory appendix to the "dynamic unfolder" article, with the sole purpose of sharing a cute tiny animation. It's actually an example of a BAD animation, and I'm very sorry for making it that way. This animation is designed to depict the dynamics of the bending process reversed in time (which is probably what people mean by "unfolding"). There is no control over FPS, no playback control, and nothing smart about the idea behind it. We just redisplay the folded state of geometry after rotating every flange by a small angular increment. This increment impacts animation smoothness simply because smaller angular values generate more frames to display.

Such type of "animation" is doomed to anger Kirill (see his "AIS animation playback" post to find out why), but it's probably all I need for the time being to move on with bend simulation. Indeed, what is essential in simulation is to create enough frames for collision testing, and fun animation is not required, as long as you can trust the batch process to carry out the job without any visual feedback.

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