Manifold Geometry // Многообразная Геометрия

Analysis Situs 0.3.0 is out

/ Просмотров: 2105

New version of Analysis Situs 0.3.0 comes out with the following change log:

  1. Rearrange control panels to give more logical and powerful interface.
  2. Add parameter editor and data dictionary.
  3. Remove useless (after the latest improvements) toggle button in 3D viewer.
  4. Add 'save-step' Tcl command.
  5. Add 'build-triangulation-obb' Tcl command.
  6. Add 'move-triangulation' Tcl command.
  7. Add visualization and selection of triangulation nodes.
  8. Prototype surface deviation checker.
  9. Prototype commands for saving and loading binary project files.
  10. Refactor curvature plot to become a general-purpose 2D plot.
  11. Prototype reverse engineering asset of Tcl commands.
  12. Add interactive selection of points in point clouds.
  13. Refactor purification algorithm for point clouds.
  14. Add commands to build bilinear Coons patches.
  15. Bugfix.

Analysis Situs is a non-commercial FOSS-project driven by scientific research of its authors in Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod. Analysis Situs is a CAD inspection utility which also serves as a prototyping framework for geometric modeling algorithms. You can download the latest version here.