Manifold Geometry // Многообразная Геометрия

Analysis Situs

/ Просмотров: 19830

Debug your B-Rep

Analysis Situs is open-source, extensible software that assists in the development of CAD geometric algorithms based on Boundary Representation (B-Rep) data structures. The software is coupled with OpenCascade library which is an open-source geometric modeling kernel offering a broad range of modeling operators for the development of multipurpose CAD systems and utilities. Analysis Situs serves as a framework for constructing geometric modeling algorithms. Additionally, Analysis Situs offers some advanced facilities for inspection of the geometric and topological structures of existing CAD parts (hence the name "Analysis Situs") which can be imported from any popular CAD system.


Download Analysis Situs v2024.1 for Windows 10, x64.

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Older versions:

Download Analysis Situs v1.1 for Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v1.0 for Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v0.4.1 for Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v0.3.2dev for Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v0.3.1dev for Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v0.3.0dev Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v0.2.7dev Windows 10, x64.

Download Analysis Situs v0.2.6dev Windows 10, x64.